Groups: II FCI CV Groups: V FCI CV Groups: VII FCI CV Groups: II FCI (section 3) Groups: I FCI(German Shepherd) CV Groups: II (section 2) Groups: II FCI – Dobermann, Boxer, Italian Cane Corso, Rottweiler, Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog – SharplaninaDina Stojanovska
Phone: +38977 880508
Dina Stojanovska is born in 1982, in Skopje, N. Macedonia
Her interest and love for animals, especially dogs since early childhood. From 1992 start with Doberman breed.
She finished a Veterinary school and worked as a vet assistant.
In 2001 becomes a member of the Kennel club „Skopje“ in Skopje. She is the owner of the “Falanga” Kennel for Doberman breed since 2008. She is also one of the founding members of the Doberman club of Macedonia, found in 2011
Nadica Radevska
Born: 1980
Languages: Macedonian, English, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian
Address: France Preshern 255, Skopje
Phone: +38971422183
Nadica Radevska is born in 1980 and still lives in Skopje, capital city of Republic of Macedonia.
Her love for dogs starts from youngest age. History of breeding and selection starts in 2003 with samoyed.
Owner of kennel “Belluchiville”.
After breeding samoyeds and gordon setter, all international champions and bis winners, since 2016 breeding continues with american cocker spaniels. Participate and shows her dogs at World dog shows, European dog shows, many International and National dog shows. Dogs from her breeding had great success at Crufts also.
From 2009 she is vice-president of kennel club “Polaris”. Takes part in organization of many shows.
In 2020 was published her first book ” Short guide for new dog owners” and in 2022 was published her second book ” “Cynology – culture and literacy”. Marjan Velichkov
Born: 1965
Languages: English & Serbian
Address: Klenovec 27 b, 1000 Skopje
Phone: +38970200277
Long time breeder of German Short Haired Pointing Dog. Founder of Macedonian club for Hunting Cynology and regular visitor of dog shows and working trials.Aleksandar Purdanoski
Born: 1990
Languages: English & Serbian
Address: : Trajko Sandanski 1-B, 7500 Prilep
Phone: +389 75 302 732Kiril Milovski
Born: 06.05.1978
Languages: Macedonian and English
Address: ул.Ѓорѓе Анреевиќ Кун бр.14а – Skopje
Phone: 0038970359449
Odgleduvac na Germanski ovcari vo poslednite 20 godini. (Sopstvenik na visoko renomiranata odgleduvacnica “Vom Aurelisbrandt”.Ilija Jankovski
Born: 1962
Languages: Macedonian,Serbian
Address: III M.U.B 22a Kumanovo,Macedonia
Phone: +389 75 613 764
Breeder of Sharplaninec dogs since 1987.
Owner of “Adzi Tepe” Kennel , specialized in breeding Sharplaninec dog breed.
Attending many dog shows , both National and International and winner of many CAC , CACIB and World Club Champion.Jordan Hristovski
Languages: English, Serbian